meals ready to eat
msrp $143.88 per case
MOQ 10
MRE product #SGAA-02
-5 Year shelf life from date of
-12 Meals per case
-Case Dims:
15 1/2″ (L) x 9 1/8″ (W) x 10 1/2″ (H)
-Case Net Weight:
12.1 lbs
-Minimum 1,050 calories per meal
MRE Product #SGAA-03
-Fully cooked
-No water required
-No refigeration required
-Light weight, durable &
waterpoof packaging
-Extended shelf life
-900-1,300 calories per
-May include FRH (flame-
less ration heater)
-Case dims: 12″ x 4″
-Case wight: 17-18 lbs